Thursday, October 30, 2008


This cutie is Avery! I took pictures of her and her family last year around the same time for Christmas and she was for sure less mobile then! Now she is a runner, talker and miss Independent! She still looks the same, but just a little older, her big blue eyes and cute baby face! She is such a cutie! We had fun going around Gainesville for different spots and trying to get her jitters out-get her fun personality to shine, which it for sure did! My favorite picture is mom and dad kissing and she just ran right in front of my camera, I wish she was looking though, but it is still priceless and so funny! I have a bunch that I want to show, but here are a few! Enjoy!

Also, FYI to all my patient clients....I am finally done with Birthdays for the year, so now I am catching up and on top of things, so be looking for your pictures on line very soon! Thanks for being so patient with me! I really appreciate it!

1 comment:

stacey payne said...

That's my girl! Yes Miss Independent with a capital I. They are wonderful Heidi!!!! Thank you so much!