This family is so darling and a repeat family, but this is the first time I have meet the boys/men in the family! Usually it is mom and little Katie Rae. So it was fun seeing the whole family! This shoot was easy and quick, the kids are so well behaved and listened great! We were trying to get him to smile or break out into a little laughter, but he was fighting us....but some special "girl" made him smile big! LOL! Mom likes B&W, so that is why a lot of these are in B&W. Enjoy!
I have been taking pics of these girls for a long time and I just love seeing them grow up! Isabella just turned 7 years old and just so silly(see pics below)! She got the coolest cake ever made by sweetpie's(see link on right) and she is just growing up to fast and becoming a little lady! Carlina is so funny and seems to want to do everything her big sis does, but she is Miss Independent! They are just darling!
This little guy was about 3 weeks old and wouldn't go to sleep for us at all! We tried just about everything, but he just wouldn't go to sleep...oh well! He was so cute awake though! He is just a handsome little guy and has great skin! I love his dark eyes. Cohen was also born into a darling family, aren't they cute! Hope you like them mom! Congrats on the baby!
This family was so cute! I haven't taken pictures of a "teenager" family in a long time, so it was fun! I hate to say it almost 99% of boys/men that I have photographer are there to make mom or their wife happy....they just don't like it! But these men were troopers! I appreciate that! So here are some pics for ya! Thanks for coming! Boys will be boys!
I thought that this was a funny pic of him chugging it down. Head back, feet off the ground and all! LOL! Where are the manners???? Miss Caleigh sitting all lady like, she has hosted a lot of tea parties for sure!!
This little girl is such a doll! She was so serious for more than half the session. I don't know if I just looked scary to her, but she would not budge a smile...until the cake and toys came out, but dont you just love her tiara....little princess! She turns one at the end of the month and mom wanted to get this documented. Usually when we do first birthday shoots with the cake the parents stripe them down so they wont destroy their outfits, but Audrey was a lady and was so careful with her clothes. It was amazing! She is a cutie and thanks for coming! Happy Birthday! (oh, and I love her face in the cake pic and her showing her muscles in the other pic-so cute!)
Check this out....this is an AWESOME Valentine's gift to give to some one you Love! This Valentine's Special is for a YUMMY 2 teir cake just for $20! I ordered me one! Just think your dessert is already covered for that romantic night! Order soon...Jan 24th! Amanda is so talented at what she does! Her site is on the right.....Sweetpie's Custom Cakes
This little girl is such a cutie and once I saw her-she would not stop smiling. Right then, I knew it would be an awesome sessions and easy! Which I was correct! She was a easy breezy and this new cute family just moved to GA! It was neat getting to know them and how they got here and why mommy & daddy brought a drum....I guess daddy is a pro on the drums, which you made me forget to test your skills on the drum for guitar hero....oh well maybe another day! Hannah is so sweet, pleasant, and just lovely. Here are a few of my fave! Thanks for coming!
BOYS BOYS BOYS x3-Bryce, Ben, and Brenden-the youngest! Don't you just love their dark brown eyes...I love it! These brothers are so cute and competitive, like any brothers! The oldest was a GT fan and the 2 youngest were UGA fans, and I could feel some tension in the air when they changed into their sports shirts. But they were "men" about it and of course UGA came out on top and tackled GT to the ground!! Bryce & Ben were so well mannered and like many boys wanted to get it over with. Brenden was a HUGE HAM in front of the camera and would stick out his tongue on the side of his mouth quit a few times, but it was cute! These boys all loved their mom, who brought them and I could tell they are all mommas boys! Thanks for coming! Enjoy!